Live Model Bird Painting with Shadow the Swallow-Tailed Kite to Benefit the ACCA
October 11, 2024 6:00 pmJoin us for some fun and get your creative juices flowing while one of our trained instructors helps you through a live painting with Shadow the Swallow-Tailed Kitel as our live model!
No experience is necessary! The cost is $35 for an 11×14″canvas, all supplies included! $10 of every ticket sold will go to support the Avian Conservation Center of Appalachia. Please arrive 15 minutes before the start of class to get seated. Tickets will be available online until 12pm the day of the event. After 12pm, please call the studio at (304)599-2969 to inquire about available seats.
Cancellation Policy: We ask that you reschedule at least 24 hours before the class you have registered for. While we can’t give refunds, if something should conflict, we can move you to another class. Unfortunately, if you register and don’t show up for a class, you will still be charged. If plans change, please give us a call at (304)599-2969 or email